Hello and Welcome!

My name is Anya.
I was made in Ukraine in 1982 but have been a vagabond for most of my life until recently, when age, wisdom, life experience and a somewhat-special-someone happened to come into my life. Now, I call Pimlico Way home and happily share it with an awesome cast of characters:

The King of the Land: (aka Brian)
(being a sport, wearing the ugly Christmas sweater I sewed for him. © 2010).

The Dog. 
Or, as we lovingly call him, Mr. Vincent.

As for me, Queen of the Castle...
Well, these say it best: Bibliophile. Yogini. Writer. Tea drinker. Perpetual student. A recent second degree nursing school graduate, my interests in life are richly varied; a nice segue into Some Little Stranger's conception.

In a mind (mine) being too full of rainbows and bunnies, I needed a space to store, document and organize the more relevant facets of my life. Thus, I bring to you Some Little Stranger. Here you will find all my fascinating adventures and more assuredly, my misadventures in culinary undertakings. My very first attempt at growing a select number of vegetables in a garden I have yet to create (this will be a hoot, stay tuned! ...in fact, come back and read all about it). In "The Bookshelf" you will find my pseudo-intellectual musings on whatever piece of Literature (or literature) happens to scintillate me at the moment. "Mind and Body" encompasses all things fitness and my struggle to get off the couch. Lastly, "Travels," old, boring and self-explanatory, details- most often in prose, but you never know, I may surprise you- all the wonderful places which I have been to (and as I write this, all the lovely places I one day wish to visit).

...Comments, Emails, and Messages* are greatly welcome!...

*100 bonus points if message sent via carrier pigeon

1 comment:

  1. Yay! It's off and running and it actually sounds exciting... :) now, you just need to come up with the content.

    p.s. until you win at catan, you're just a princess. you become queen when you finally notch a victory!



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